Why Choose Us?

We are business litigators – not just general litigators who have handled a few business cases along the way.

When you have a business dispute . . .

  • You want a law firm that specializes in business litigation and commercial dispute resolution.
  • You want a lawyer who is well-versed in the issues and nuances of commercial and contract law.
  • And, you want someone who is business-minded and who understands how to use litigation to advance corporate or individual business goals.

In every case, the details matter.  No two cases are completely alike, and each case requires its own approach – based on the details.

We understand that litigation can be daunting and uncertain.  Because of this, we take the time to explain the process to our clients, and we involve our clients in case development and decision-making.  Our practice is to form a genuine partnership with our clients that empowers them to understand and to contribute meaningfully to their cases.

Many lawyers mistakenly adopt a “win-at-all-costs” approach that fails to consider the client’s business goals and operating needs.  This ultimately hurts clients because it can destroy a business relationship with an important supplier, distributor, customer, client, or partner.

This is why we form strategies that strengthen and that advance a client’s business needs and goals.  We view litigation and dispute resolution as a way to further a company’s business interests by looking for solutions that help the company going forward.